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Prayer Solutions
Biblical Answers to Questions People Ask About Prayer
234 Pages - Retail $11.95 - Also available from Amazon/Kindle

"When God's people pray, the Lord brings solutions to their needs, concerns and problems!" Composed in a Q & A format, "Prayer Solutions" offers Bible-based answers to more than sixty questions often asked questions about prayer, intercession, fasting, spiritual renewal, healing, miracles, deliverance, demons, breaking curses, the purpose of trials, and much more.

Just a few of the many questions include: What Kind of Things Can I Pray For? How Can I Get Answers to Prayer? Does it Help for Others to Pray With Me? How Often Should I Pray? What is Spiritual Warfare? Can Prayer Save My Marriage? Can Prayer Break a Spell or Curse on Me? How Can I Receive Healing From God? How Do I Acquire Faith? Can Prayer Cause Me to Become Rich? Can Prayer Make Someone Fall in Love With Me? Can God Talk to Us When We Pray to Him? Can Prayer Help Me Get Even With My Enemies? Can Prayer Save My Marriage? And dozens more!

Prayer, Faith, Trials and Victory
Lessons of Faith and Perseverance for Victorious Christian Living
88 Pages - Retail $7.95 - Also available from Amazon/Kindle

In this easy-reading book, the author shares remarkable testimonies to answered prayers, including those of his mother, whose faith God honored by saving their family from a deadly tornado. God also used her prayers to bring him to Christ, delivering him from a life of sin and addictions as a young adult.

Also presented are selected lessons and articles on prayer and faith, such as how to develop great faith and a more effective prayer life, the most common reasons for unanswered prayers, how to rise above trials and remain steadfast in faith, how to receive healing from God through prayer... and much more.

How To Keep From Getting Hurt In The Church
You Can't Stop Hurtful Things From Happening, but You Can Stop Them From Hurting You!
128 Pages - Retail $8.95 - Also available from Amazon/Kindle

Hurts are common to the body of Christ everywhere, and are routinely exploited by Satan as diversions against the Church... to splinter and scatter the sheep if possible, to wound sincere believers and leaders, and to cause great harm to the work and mission of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This book will help you preempt Satan's mischief by becoming prepared and "immunized" from the offenses that are sure to come (Luke 17:1). By becoming equipped with the wise instruction and counsel of the Word of God, you can resist such harmful effects and remain steadfast to your faith in God, and with your relationships within the body of Christ.

What People Ask About The Church (2nd Edition)
Answers to your Questions Concerning Today's Church
212 Pages - Retail $10.95 - Also available from Amazon/Kindle

Everything you ever wanted to know about the church and more! This well-researched book has been used as a reference by clergy and laymen alike, and answers seventy-five of the most intriguing or controversial questions about the modern and historical church. It is packed with scripture references and includes a glossary of common church-related terms.

Some of the Topics covered: Why are there so many different churches? – How can I find a good church? – Why are there so many hypocrites in the church? – Why do so many churches have splits? – Why do most churches meet on Sunday? – How can I tell the difference between a true church and a cult? – Why is it so hard to find a perfect church? ...These questions and many more.

America's Coming Storm May Be It's Last Opportunity
158 Pages - Retail $9.95 - Coming Soon
Can National Crisis Bring Repentance and Spiritual Renewal?

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, traumatized America in ways not seen since World-War Two, but it was nothing compared to the impending storm that is brewing over our nation. In the past, America relied on God to intervene and stand in it's defense, however our society has largely regressed to a state of defiance and hostility toward God, while its problems and adversaries have grown exponentially.

The resulting culmination is that our fragile nation is about to be tested by the greatest ordeals of its history. A perfect-storm of chaos is postured to converge, from without and within... political upheaval, terrorism, war, racial conflict, natural disasters, economic chaos... while the populace remains intoxicated by a stupor of self-absorption.

America's tribulation, however, can serve as an opportunity... a chance for our nation to awaken and realize its need for God again, for the church to shake itself from apathy and compromise, and to bring souls into the kingdom of God. How Americans respond to these troubled times, will determine the remaining future of our once great nation.